Assorted Subjects

Here are unrelated bits and pieces that don’t fit neatly into any of the topics covered by the other sections on this site. I just couldn’t resist sharing them with the readers, believing that they, too, will be charmed by the fanciful aspects of Jacques.


J to Dylan

J to Dylan

Jacques almost always carried something to draw or paint with…he was inspired by simple life and recorded it with honesty. The essence was what he was after.


Jacques (with his Cousin) at Our Wedding June 20, 1981

Jacques with his Cousin at Our Wedding June 20, 1981

Jacques and Friends in Our Garden

Jacques in Our Garden in Brooklyn

The mother of a friend was visiting from France when France was playing in the World Cup.

We thought that we would invite Jacques. They had a GREAT time together. It was wonderful to see.


Jacques’ Birthday Poem le 17 décembre 1984


In 1984, Jacques wrote this lovely poem and did this very sweet drawing for me. I will translate and post when I can.

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