NOTE: Here are some comments from people viewing the website. We’d be happy to add your comment if you fill out the Comment form at the bottom of the page.
Henry Kelly (Submitted on 2014/10/14 at 2:18 am)
Dear Friends,
I gave Jacques a lift to Brooklyn College one day in the mid 80s by chance noticing him along the way. On the way he told me he had been offered a position at the University of Paris as a doctoral mentor, the dream job of a lifetime, as he told me,
“But there is the house”, he said, referring to his place in the neighborhood where he sheltered people in need, This was about a year or so before he realized he was not long for the earth.
I have other anecdotal memories of Jacques but in this one I was privileged for one so loved by so many to share with me a difficult decision, In retrospect, I was learning first hand of one last great sacrifice for one who had made so many for others.
I also have a lengthy account of Jacques’ last days and funeral at the monastery in Normandy, written by his brother (in French) but cannot scan them at this time.
petetridish (Submitted on 2014/10/14 at 9:56 pm | In reply to Henry Kelly.)
Henry, we’d be happy to scan them for you, just let us know! We might be able to translate them, too…
John Sullivan (Submitted on 2015/04/30 at 7:49 pm)
I was given hospitality by Jacques Travers in the 1960s and would like to create a memorial for him online. I need to know where he was buried. The name and location of the cemetery.
petetridish (Submitted on 2015/05/11 at 3:18 am | In reply to John Sullivan.)
Dear John,
My son Dylan and I are beginning to post lots of material. We can answer your question. Jacques was buried at the Abbey de Notre Dame de Grace in Bricquebec, Normandy, a Trappist monastery where two of his brothers were monks.
Please check back in the coming weeks for more updates.
Many thanks,
Phyllis Wrynn
John Sullivan (Submitted on 2015/05/11 at 3:51 am | In reply to petetridish.)
Thanks. Great picture of Jacques!
John Sullivan (Submitted on 2015/05/13 at 2:45 am | In reply to petetridish.)
May I have permission to post the photo of Jacques at the memorial I created for him? Is it copyright free?
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