Jacques Travers

Jacques-Portrait Best

Our Jacques Phyllis Wrynn 1982

This site is about the life of Jacques Travers.

Jacques was born in Bricquebec, which is an ancient town in Normandy, France. He loved his home town!

Jacques was a French Professor at Brooklyn College. A disciple of Dorothy Day, he ran a house of hospitality for homeless men and women.

This page has been created by Phyllis and Dylan Wrynn, as a forum for people who knew and were influenced by Jacques. He touched the lives of many people…as an artist, a scholar, a teacher, an activist, and as a member of the Catholic Worker.

Jacques passed away just before the internet became commonplace, so there is not much about him online considering his importance to so many people. This site is not quite in its final form, but we welcome your recollections and images. They can be sent to:

peacenow17 (at) earthlink (dot) net… or you can try posting them as comments.

*Please note that by clicking on almost all of the images on this site, they will appear larger.

Pour mes amis en France, js suis tellement heureuse que le commencement de l’histoire de Jacques est maintenant disponible à regarder. Il y a beaucoup de choses en plus à ajouter et traduire. J’ai l’intention de les préparer aussitôt que possible. S’il y a des amis ou la famille de Jacques qui voudraient écrire leurs pensées, je serais pleine de joie de les ajouter, aussi.

Notre Jacques était un homme qui avait des centaines des amis, et qui a donné le cadeau de son amitié et son coeur à nous tous.


Dylan and I have wanted to continue with this project for many years. It is hard to believe how long ago the first steps were taken to create the site in honor of our dear friend. At last, we are starting to upload photographs of Jacques…as well as images of his artwork and other material… to share with those who loved him.

Phyllis Wrynn

May 10, 2015

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