Jacques Travers Remembered
Just another WordPress site
Upstate Apples sept. 29 ’81
May 19, 2015
· by
Phyllis Wrynn
· in
Adventures with Jacques
Jacques Travers
Upstate NY Apple-Picking
1 oct. ’86
28 mai ’74 Jacques
30 sept. ’86 France
A Didi, mon ami, pour son 16e anniversaire Jacques nov. 18 ’85
A Mes Tres Chers Amis Phyllis Mitch Dylan Guin B.B. 9 juillet J Travers
A Very Clever Word Play!
Adventures with Jacques
Artwork In Various Media
Assorted Subjects
Bebe Dort
Brighton Beach
Brighton Beach 15 juin ’73
Brighton Beach 16-12-71
Brighton Beach au soir 25 sept. ’81
Brighton Beach II June 2, ’86
Brighton Beach III June 2, 1986
Brooklyn College Program in Memory of Jacques Travers March 30, 1988
Dear Mother-to-be
Father Conway’s Recollections of Jacques
J to Dylan
Jacques (with his Cousin) at Our Wedding June 20, 1981
Jacques and Dylan
Jacques and Friends in Our Garden
Jacques in Montréal: Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel 1984
Jacques Travers
Jacques Travers: Remembering A Modern Day Saint
Jacques’ Art
Jacques’ Birthday Poem le 17 décembre 1984
Jacques’ Correspondence
Jacques’ Funeral in Normandy
Jacques’ Passing
Jacques’ Passing
Memorial Mass for Jacques Travers 1925-1987 December 19, 1987
Monsieur Lavallée
Monsieur Paul Lavallée
My Life with Jacques by Paul Wilkes
New York Times and Catholic Worker Obituaries
New York Times Obituary
Jacques’ Life
Nov. 1972…Monsieur Lavallée’s message on Dylan’s third birthday
On the Ferry: Jacques and Mitch and Dylan in Québec
Printemps ’86 Prospect Park 29 avril
Prospect Park
Prospect Park 20 mai ’74
Prospect Park 17 mai ’73
Prospect Park 18 mars, 1986
Prospect Park 27 mai ’86
Remembrances of Jacques by Sister Camille
Reminiscences of Jacques from Friends and Colleagues
A Remembrance of Jacques by Eugene Moretta
Dans ce Siècle…Reminiscences of Jacques by Sister Mary Leane
Jacques Travers by Charles Hill
Jacques Travers by Ed Doherty
Jacques Travers by Ed Doherty
Memories of Jacques: The Catholic Worker January-February 1988
Recollections of Jacques by John Sullivan
Tom Hartmann’s Recollections of his Colleague, Jacques
Sissonne nov. 1986
Spanish in the Americas
St. Martin 10 dec. ’86
St. Martin 8 oct. ’86
St. Martin le Cygne 24 sept. ’86
St. Martin-le-Cygne 21 fev. ’87
Trip to Québec 1984